Dan Dan The Art Man

Stories and book reviews written and read by Dan Absalonson. This website is used to create the podcast feed for www.DanDanTheArtMan.com

Episode 79 | The Hunger Games

In this 79th episode, I review The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Listen to hear why this book definitely held up to all the hype for me. Extremely well written, and a great choice by the author to go with the uncommon first person present tense format. A high quality read!

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Buy "The Hunger Games" on Amazon:


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Check out a couple of my novels:

Haunted House Flipper:


The Case of the Missing Snowman:


Visit my website: www.DanDanTheArtMan.com



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Dan first started writing stories in elementary school, where he and a friend would skip lunch and recess once a month to eat in the library while hearing all about the new books on the shelves. His love for reading, as with visual art and music, has now extending into creating his own fiction. He works as a digital artist and lives in Washington state with his beautiful family of five.